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Raj Bahadur

Shri Raj Bahadur, hailing from Bharatpur district in Rajasthan, was a prominent freedom fighter. Born to Shri Munshi Sundarlal, Raj Bahadur drew inspiration from his ancestors and was deeply motivated to contribute to the welfare of his country. His elder brother, Shri Murarilal, was an active Satyagrahi, further fueling Raj Bahadur’s commitment to the cause.

Inspired by Pandit Revatisharan Sharma, Raj Bahadur joined the Bharatpur Praja Parishad in 1939. Known for his legal prowess, he served as a distinguished lawyer, often representing the cases of laborers without charge. During the Quit India Movement in 1942, he played a pivotal role in organizing and accommodating Satyagrahis, ensuring their lodging and meals.

A staunch advocate of Khadi, Raj Bahadur actively participated in the Anti-Begar Movement in 1947 and campaigned for the establishment of a responsible government. In 1943, he was re-elected to the Praja Parishad from Deeg for the second time.

On the historic day of August 15, 1947, when India gained independence, Raj Bahadur was accorded the honor of hoisting the National Flag in government buildings in Bharatpur. His unwavering dedication to the freedom struggle and his multifaceted contributions make him a revered figure in the annals of India’s fight for independence.

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